Congratulations to the following students who are the award winners this week:
Grade PrepTilly – For demonstrating our school value of Personal Best during our Christmas activities and particularly in the decoration of our class gingerbread house.Grade 1/2Amelie – For demonstrating the value of Co-operation. You always work well with other students and are happy to include anyone in what you are doing. Well done on being a great class member and friend.Grade 2/3Xade – For displaying our school values of Cooperation and Resilience during a week of changes, new experiences and special activities. Great job Xade!Grade 4/5Lincoln – For showing the value of PERSONAL BEST by working hard in class to complete his Passion Project on the Kenworth Truck Company.Grade 6Class 6 – For demonstrating all four values during the Passion Presentations. The presentations were of a very high standard and included creative WOW factors. All students listened attentively and gave positive peer feedback.
Grade PrepLucy H – For always putting such an enormous effort into treating others with kindness and respect.Grade 1/2 Jarni – For always trying your best. You have worked hard this term, demonstrating your understanding of what we have learnt and presenting your best work.Grade 2/3Aidan – For working hard to be able to explain the different maths strategies he is using when playing games when asked by his teacher so that he can use this own knowledge to support his partner and the whole class.Grade 4/5Grade 4/5 – For their tremendous commitment to working on their Passion Projects. Students have been busy at home and at school and it was a pleasure to listen to them all speak about the enthusiasm they have for their ‘Passions’Grade 6Grade 6 – For working hard to complete the Christmas House Project. They attempted to stay within budget, calculated sale prices and used their creativity to produce high quality Christmas themed dream homes.