
Facilities and Resources

School Council, Parents’ Club and Staff work together to provide the best resources and equipment for our students. Facilities include a fully computerised and well stocked library, a well equipped sickbay, a tennis/netball court. A variety of safe, attractive and practical play equipment and safe, spacious grounds.

Our classrooms are clean, attractive, comfortable and well equipped. We have a computer ratio of 1 to every 3 students, and with a bank of computers for research and internet use as well as computers in each classroom. A weekly newsletter keeps you informed of events at the school. Lunch orders are available daily through an arrangement with Axedale General Store. We welcome parent participation within the classroom helping with reading and other activities. Parents help with maintenance by attending working bees on an as required basis.


The School Community

The contribution to the school made by the School Community continues to be highly valued and strongly encouraged. The school has many parents who are supportive in many and varied ways at the school. Such things as: covering and mending books; gardening; transporting students to Tennis Clinics, Basketball Clinics and Football Clinics; hearing reading; helping with athletics training; minor maintenance tasks and working bees etc.


The Grounds

The grounds are spacious and offer a variety of play equipment to suit all ages. There is a small oval, a fully enclosed tennis/ basketball court, king ball courts, a rebound wall and formal play/climbing equipment areas.  Continued improvements and initiatives have made the school grounds a safe and attractive place.The school remains a SunSmart school, providing appropriate shade for play areas. The school has toilet facilities and suitable access for those students with physical disabilities.

The school community has been fundraising over the past few years and following a generous donation from Fosterville Gold Mine at the end of 2020 we have installed a cover over the tennis/basketball court.